Natural Sports Medicine 

Natural Sports Medicine addresses obstacles to better health and performance. We are going to look at general principles that support healthy recovery, nutrition, and rehab AND we are going to look at what challenges the basics of your athleticism. If you are having problems with recovery, we are going to look at why.  We will find ways to help your body shift into healing by offering support that is not only palliative but corrective.

Healing from a natural perspective will not always happen the way you think it will and it will not always happen overnight. It will take diligence, patience and dedication and it will take tapping in to the willingness to do whatever it takes to heal, the same kind of drive you possess to train in your sport. I am here to guide you to what your best is and keep you there through changes in your life, your body, your mind and your years.

What we do:

We work with all kinds of conditions that effect athletes and active individuals at any age. We will take a deeper look at common conditions like muscle pain, muscle spasms, joint issues, sprains and strains, energy issues, and problems with performance and recovery. (Please also review chronic disease list below if it applies to you!)

Most conditions can be improved if not prevented and eliminated by:

1) Addressing digestive issues that may aggravate inflammation or prevent absorption of certain minerals and nutrients.
2) Learning how to maximize what you eat depending on YOUR specific needs.
3) Finding the root cause and fixing the imbalance.
4) Optimizing and fine-tuning supplementation by using physician-grade supplements and proper dosing. 

Chronic Disease 

A chronic disease or condition can be a road block for any athlete and many times will wear people out after they have tried different medications, therapies and gone to many different providers. At Wild Earth Medicine, we want to be your advocate. We want to help educate and empower you while removing some of the burden of  trying to manage and synthesize all the information on your own.

All chronic cases can be helped by:

1) Review of current and past medical care.
2) Analysis of your case from a wholistic perspective targeting complementary and alternative strategies to feel better.
3) Strengthening your current network of support by creating more options for you.
4) Giving you hope and renewed outlook on what in the past has seemed impossible.
Common conditions include but are not limited to: Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome,  Hypercholesterolemia, Hypertension, IBS, IBD, Constipation, Diarrhea, Lyme Disease, Insomnia, Thyroid problems, Adrenal Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue,Women's Health, Men's Health, Allergies, Chronic Sinusitis, Anxiety and Depression.

We believe that it takes a village and when we ask for help...we find possibilities we might not have known existed.

Condition Specific Diet and Nutritional Prescriptions

Food is medicine. What we eat dictates what nutrients we take in, and how we absorb those nutrients dictates what we get out of our food. Not all food is in optimal shape for absorption and usability in the body. Some of it has to do with how our diets have changed, how we buy more food than we grow, how our food is from far and wide instead of local to our communities. In addition to all that–some of it has to do with us and how we can absorb nutrients. No matter what your diagnosis or condition, we can help you use your diet as medicine. We believe in slow food, the more we can participate in the process of what we eat, the less distance ingredients travel and the more we can craft on our own, the stronger our diets become. It is not about fad diets, fad supplements or magic pills, it is about learning what YOUR body needs, what makes you FEEL good and what helps to remedy any disturbances or conditions you might be working against.

We offer:

1) Condition specific diet coaching.
2) Nutritional evaluations to find what you are deficient or need more of.
3) Recommendations to act in place of or in addition to supplements and medications.